★ Masato Harada
Sekigahara Screening + Q&A
Sept.29 Sat @ 12:00 PM 【San Francisco Premiere】
2017 | 149 min | with English Subtitles | Directed by Masato Harada
Supported by Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco
Japanese director Masato Harada studied filmmaking in London and worked as a film critic in Los Angeles before he made his 1979 directorial debut Goodbye Flickmania, a Howard Hawks homage. After making films in the U.S.—including sci-fi cult hit Gunhed (1989) and Painted Desert (1993) — he returned to Japan to make the modern classic Kamikaze Taxi (1994), his first collaboration with Koji Yakusho. Having lived, studied and worked in Europe and the US for many years, he has established unique position in the Japanese film industry. A master storyteller in the tradition of Akira Kurosawa, he has been chosen to receive the New York Asian Film Festival’s Star Asia Lifetime Achievement Award in 2018. He is also known as an actor and appeared in Edward Zwick’s The Last Samurai in 2003 and Ronny Yu’s Fearless in 2006.
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